Saturday, June 16, 2018

Club Reports: Elixir Bar, Monkey Bar, Aero Bar

Friday night's goal: House music only.  So I began at Elixir Bar.
The main DJ booth and dance floor are outdoors at Elixir and two DJ's I don't know were mixing it up out here.
The bar was populated but otherwise it was kind of bleak.
It will be packed next Friday night though as DJ Kyle Watson (ZA) will be playing here!
Great House set though from these two guys!
You either have to find the hidden stairs or the hidden elevator to get to Monkey Bar.
It's been a long time since I've seen DJ X-Andy (USA) on the decks!
Bouncing to House music. It's a unique place where one moment the dance floor is empty and the next moment 10 people show up on it!
And there's a great balcony with views of Wall Street Plaza below!
Great House set here too!
Now over to rooftop venue Aero Bar.
DJ Robin (USA) in the booth when I arrived.
I only heard the last 15 minutes of his set but he was blowing the place up!
The club was packed for House music!
The lasers were going full blast!
Since Aero is on a rooftop, you're literally "dancing with the stars"!
DJ Cliff T (USA) would take over seamlessly during my visit!
House music all night long!
And a good time was had by all!

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