Saturday, May 26, 2018

PI Update: What's New?

Let's cross this bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island to see what's new!
Wine Bar George opened for business this past week.
This nice bar area on the ground floor is surrounded by high top tables and there's regular tables upstairs.
Nice view of the upstairs seating area.  Down below, The Basket was also open.
It's a quick-serve operation with sandwiches to go. Could be the cheapest meal option in Disney SpringsWBG & TB are both located at the Hub where the PI Live DJ booth used to stand!
Over in the Riverboat Square, the slow-moving renovation of Portobello into Terralina has now at least reached the stage where Terralina has a sign.
Meanwhile over at Erwin Pearl Jewelry, no customers as I passed by.  It's likely they were there earlier.  Come on out to the Island and see it all for yourself!

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