Thursday, May 17, 2018

PI Update: Bushes!

Let's cross this bridge one more time in 2012 and remember Downtown Disney management's lame attempt to hide the nightclubs so that passersby wouldn't notice them.
Comedy Warehouse was blocked by portable hedge bushes.
While BET Soundstage Club was successfully hidden behind flower planters and trees! No, there's no club back there!
More of the same at Adventurers Club! Keep moving folks, there's no club back there!
These portable hedge bushes actually date back to May, 2009 when they were used to block public access to the final club event inside club Motion. Unless you had a ticket or knew about the event, you could not just stumble upon it.  Bushes were not used at Rock'n'Roll Beach Club, 8TRAX or Mannequins, all of which were too large to attempt to hide. Interestingly, the Mannequins/8TRAX building and the Adventurers Club buildings were heavily renovated into new lives as restaurants while all the others met the wrecking ball! Bushes!

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