Monday, April 2, 2018

PI Update: Why DSLN Is Better Than CT

The night of September 28, 2008 was an unusual night on beautiful Pleasure Island. It was the first night that there were no clubs open, it was off-season and it was thus mostly empty. Those traversing the Island reported an eerie feeling. Crickets could be heard chirping. An unanticipated development of the club-closings had immediately surfaced; the silence was scary! Something had to be done. And that something was a spin on Disney World's 2009 Celebrate Today! advertising theme: Celebrate Tonight!
But Celebrate Tonight was lame because it cast Pleasure Island DJ's into an uncharacteristic role as MC's rather than as DJ's. They would initially ask passers-by what they were celebrating and when the answer was more often than not "Nothing" things went nowhere. CT morphed into game playing as well as line dances. The latter did draw crowds at times during peak nights and peak seasons. But overall it was difficult to watch. Operating from April, 2009 to June, 2010, Disney mercifully axed it!
The Adult Dance Party at Disney Springs Late Night is much better because the DJ is a DJ and they're playing dance music, not game-playing.  It's drawing a crowd who expect nightlife to be a part of the attraction of Disney Springs. And for the first time in nearly 10 years, there is actually nightlife.....and fun!

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