Monday, April 16, 2018

DS Update: Restaurants Incoming!

Let's walk around Disney Springs and check on all the new restaurants coming soon. Beginning on Pleasure Island, Wine Bar George is moving rapidly towards completion.
The fence sign says "Spring" but this could open nearly any time now.
The marquee sign is up as well so they should be ready to go soon!
No so for Terralina Crafted Italian which is the former Portobello Country Italian Trattoria and Portobello Yacht Club. The Disney Springs Guidemap still refers to this opening "This Winter" and here we are almost in May and no date announced yet. Maybe it's because the last thing Disney Springs needs is yet another Italian restaurant.  With no decent breakfast options in the Springs, wouldn't this make a great IHOP?
Moving to the West Side, this is the upcoming Wolfgang Puck Bar & Grill under construction across from Planet Hollywood Observatory. This one still has a long way to go.
The former Wolfgang Puck location was vacated and is under heavy renovation to become Jaleo featuring cuisine from mainland Spain.
And it's taking on an amazing different look!  I'm really looking forward to this one.
The NBA Experience across from House of Blues has definitely gone vertical!
DisneyQuest was demolished to make space for this equally-massive building.
The Edison and Maria & Enzo's of course opened earlier this year. Meh.

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