Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday Funny: Near Disaster In Miami!

Got to tell you a funny story about the near disaster I had when I was in Miami last weekend. As you know, I had just returned from a trip to the Pacific and Asia that involved over 20,000 miles, 11 countries and 17 flights. All of that went flawless. A simple trip to Miami should have been even easier, except for this:
My Saturday night event was Breaks Yo! at club Kill Your Idol is on South Beach and required transportation there from my hotel in downtown Miami. So I decided to take Metrorail to the airport and connect to Bus 150 which runs nonstop over there. And knowing that I'd also need to take the train to the airport early the following morning for my flight to Orlando, I purchased a Miami-Dade Transit 24-hour pass.  All good so far.
At Kill Your Idol I ran a tab that required me to give them my credit card and drivers license. Close to 3AM I decided I'd had enough and simply walked out and caught a cab back to Miami. It wasn't until I got back to my hotel that I realized I left my credit card and license back at the club!

Early Sunday morning I went to the Metrorail station downtown and my pass wouldn't work. Having no money, no credit card and a non-working pass, I had to slide my suitcase under the barriers and crawl underneath myself to catch the next train! At the airport station I explained to the guard that my 24-hour pass wouldn't work and that's when I learned I had purchased a Day Pass that expired at 2AM, not a 24-hour pass! He graciously scanned me out of the transit area where I could then enter the airport and fly home using my passport which I still had with me from the Asia trip!
Big thanks to Jonathan at Kill Your Idol / Lost Weekends for mailing my stuff back to me! 

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