Thursday, February 1, 2018

PI Update: The Case For The Dance Floor

This is Mannequins on beautiful Pleasure Island.
It had that curious garage door on the side of the building that was always kept locked.
Except one night in early 2010 when the door was left raised overnight and one of our readers took photos from the door opening. And it answered one of the most pressing questions of the time; was the revolving dance floor still in there?  And as we could see, it most definitely was!
In 2013 another anonymous reader provided the Blog with a whole series of shocking photos LINK showing the state of Mannequins' interior. Once again we could see it was still there.
So when the building was finally converted to restaurant Morimoto Asia in 2015, what became of the revolving floor?  It's the Blog's position that the floor is still down there, simply covered by this unusual-looking faux floor placed on framework over the dance floor. No one ever saw the prior floor removed and it would have created a huge hole to deal with. There was never any need to remove it when you could simply build over it. So some day, Mannequins could rise again!


  1. Give it a rest.. it won't rise again it's dead time to bury it.

    You've got better chances that the Edison will move to a DJ only format and true nightclub than you do that floor being turned on again.

  2. sure stir the pot. on one side it has been gone the other side it is still under

  3. the current administration at mouseworld hates anything associated with Micheal Eisner especially Pleasure Island,,they will never allow anything like what we had happen again..It was a once in a lifetime thing..

  4. The Edison is already becoming a dance club at night.

  5. The floor was removed. I witnessed the process.

  6. That's so easy to claim. Show us a picture of the floor removed or the hole in the ground.

  7. Geez people, why so serious? Let's face it, it's Disney and they could do what ever they choose. Clearly they aren't in the adult entertainment business at the moment. Nut anything is possible. I'm siding with the blog on the floor and all of the magic still being down there.

  8. anon February 2, 2018 at 8:55 AM show us a pic of it still there?

    Now I do not think @ February 2, 2018 at 5:55 AM saw it really.

    I would LOVE to hear How they could build a floor that floats OVER the old one! that big of a gap NO way If they did the floor will bounce. all that weight on it people walking on it COME on?

  9. You construct a framework that's a few inches over the old floor and then install the new floor on top of it.
