Monday, November 27, 2017

PI Update: The Latest Island Photos

In Saturday's Blog we reported on the numerous musical entertainment performances taking place in Disney Springs on Black Friday night. Today we'll focus more on the venues. So let's cross this bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island!
The Edison will be opening soon and it's all lit up pretty at night!
The smokestack of this former power plant has the new venue's marquee neon sign!
Looking around back at the Italian restaurant Maria & Enzo's section of the complex.
And a quick peek inside Pizza Ponte.
Underneath West End Plaza, the entrance into what was at one time supposed to be a hidden speakeasy named Neverland Tunnels but now just Enzo's Hideaway Tunnel Bar.
At the Hub, the sign for Wine Bar George has finally been updated to reflect that it's not opening in 2017!
More exciting news at Erwin Pearl Jewelry. There were 4 customers spotted (yes, 4) when I walked by on Friday night. Come on out to the Island and see all of this for yourself!

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