Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Concert Report: Die Antwoord (Great Saltair SLC)

Located about 15 miles west of Salt Lake City, the Salt Palace or Great Saltair is located directly on the Great Salt Lake. Used as a concert venue, last night it was home to a performance by duo Die Antwoord (ZA).  In English, The Answer.
The crowd anxiously awaiting the show to start started screaming when the lights went down at 9:15PM Mountain Time and the graphics began.
And there they were, Ninja & Yolandi opening with "Fatty Boom Boom"!
Their show was as wacky as their music videos!
They wouldn't let me in with my pocket camera so I had to rely on my cell phone which unfortunately does not zoom-in that far.
"Baby's On Fire"!
They have not performed in Orlando since their show in late 2012.  So glad I finally got to experience them!  The drinks were weak. They use those regulators like the Blog has reported on in Canada but the Canadian ones at least give you a shot; I'd swear these dispensed a half shot.  But of course, this is Utah.
Ninja still singing as he got passed around!
A good time was had by all!

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