Tuesday, July 25, 2017

PI Update: More Mannequins Floor Evidence

In the shadow of a rapidly changing Mannequins Dance Palace, this Pleasure Island sign stood guard nearly 6 years after all the clubs were shuttered.
Continuing our discussion of the fate of Mannequins revolving dance floor, we see this September, 2014 file photo of construction activity taking place inside the club via the side garage door. If you're viewing on your phone, you probably can't see the detail but those viewing via their desktop or laptop can click the image one or more times to enlarge and you can see a forklift just inside the opening but not out where the dance floor was
By February, 2015 the side of the building had been stripped and the front wrapped.  I think that even those who believe the dance floor was removed have to agree that it could not have been taken out in one piece.
There would have been no way to get it past all the pillars that existed both inside and along the skeleton of the building. The only way to have gotten it out would have been to cut it into pieces but you all know how impossible that would have been. And our "thousand eyes" watching the Island would have spotted it as well!  So yet more evidence that the floor is still there, hidden beneath a faux floor inside Morimoto, waiting to spin again some day!


  1. no one ever said it came out in one piece.
    so this is your "proof"?

    the image you asked to click then click again too dark and wrong angle to see anything.

  2. I can see some kind of machinery parked just inside the door.

  3. "Impossible"??? Chainsaws, saws and jack hammers don't exist?

  4. yeah I look at the open door pic and I guess I see something but what?
    now if that is machinery no way is that floor in there! so in short you might have proof the other way around?

  5. I believe it's still there!

    1. The forklift is not on where the floor is

  6. Right. The lift is just inside the garage door in the area with a solid concrete floor between the garage door and the dance floor.

    This is the picture from last week's article of the dance floor: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_PN2fPOB4P4/WWwBpjEIo2I/AAAAAAAA5X4/5WZdfLEcANopBGZfTVbP5uTe16GgWnqSACLcBGAs/s1600/MANNEQUINS6.jpg

    To me it looks like each board is glued to the boards immediately adjacent to it and then glued down to the metal tray underneath it that held the entire floor. I don't think a jackhammer or saws could take it apart!

  7. anon at 7 26 2017 5:05 it is SO dark you can not tell just the place it is come on?

    "boards immediately adjacent to it and then glued down to the metal tray underneath it that held the entire floor. I don't think a jackhammer or saws could take it apart!" then HOW did they get the old one out when they did renovations?

    you do know the spots ON the floor where the light comes through is plexiglass? so HOW could NOT get the floor a part?
