Monday, May 1, 2017

Breaking News: Sound Lion First To Close!

Blog reader Troy alerted us moments ago that the Sound Lion store has closed!  We called the store and confirmed that they have shut down and are not reopening elsewhere in Disney Springs. This is not the store we predicted would be the first to fail but it's two spots down. Located along Hill Street in the area where PI Live Bar and Changing Attitudes used to stand, it was one of the first new stores to open on Pleasure Island after renovations began. It lasted 2 years. 
We had speculated that at this early juncture Disney wouldn't let any of the new shops fail. While we don't know the circumstances surrounding this closure, it should send a message to others on the brink!


  1. one of Many to fail!

  2. You know what won't fail? A night club!

  3. Rumor has it a new store is already lined-up to take over the space, so expect an announcement on that soon if that's true.

  4. ANON @ May 2, 2017 at 8:50 AM your

    correct the only reason the clubs closed is because DISNEY closed them!

  5. It's obvious many more will close as you can look in some of them and see no customers. Supposedly as soon as the Sound Lion space is vacated, someone already located in Disney Springs will move in.
