Tuesday, January 31, 2017

PI Update: Paddlefish Opens Saturday

New Disney Springs restaurant Paddlefish opens this coming Saturday!
And the former Empress Lily is looking mighty fine!
Finishing touches being complete outside while employee training was taking place inside!
Port side view.  As Fulton's Crab House, boarding took place here.
As Paddlefish, not sure yet whether boarding will take place in that same location or from this gangway further aft.

 An exclusive Save Pleasure Island Blog Skycam view of what Fulton's used to look like.

Empress Lily fans as well as those that appreciate authenticity are excited that the stacks are back!
As well as the aft paddlewheel. Sadly, it appears that the lounge on board is not getting much promotion on the Paddlefish website here so this appears to be yet another opportunity for unique adult nightlife that will go wasted.


  1. This is one of the few updates to the former PI area that is a step back in regard to design. The Empress Lilly/ Folton's look was easily superior to the new design. While I applaud the new smoke stacks and paddle....this new look is frankly just ugly! What a shame...

  2. How does this look worse than Fultons?

  3. ^ The new color scheme is drab and the boat itself has been completely stripped of it's architectural character. It just looks less authentic and really sad IMO...

  4. meh.... just looks like another springs building overhanging the lake now with some random smoke stacks and paddle wheel at the back. Definitely lacking character from the outside.
