Friday, January 13, 2017

DS Update: New Balloon Raised

With my schedule this week, I've not been able to get out to Disney Springs to view the new Characters In Flight tethered helium balloon.  But Blog Mickey was out there and they've posted photos which you can find via the hyperlink.
The first thing that jumps out at you is the blue color scheme which is a vast departure from CIF's first two balloons which were mostly red and orange.  The new balloon does not have any Disney characters on it, also unlike the first two. This signals that Aerophile is likely changing the name of the attraction to something else since clearly (and deliberately) there no longer are any characters flying!  CIF, or whatever the name will be, is supposed to reopen tomorrow. 


  1. I had heard that Disney requested the characters not be included as to match the theme of Disney Springs.

    Of course, most of Disney Springs doesn't match its own theme, so there's really no logic here.

  2. Troy, yes, Disney selected the balloon design.
