Monday, December 5, 2016

PI Update: Paddlefish & Tunnels

My camera wasn't high-speed enough to show the scrolling words "FULL" in each of these displays, but the floors of the Disney Springs Lime Garage were indeed full Sunday afternoon during my visit. I've visited before when the signs read "FULL" and found easy parking within but yesterday the garage was actually full when I drove in.. But with people constantly leaving, it didn't take long to find a spot despite the sign.
On the Island, the new Paddlefish now has name signs on-board!
On the front side too, even though the concept art did not indicate such.
Bright sunny day made it easy to take a peek inside the Neverland Tunnels development.
Located beneath West End Plaza, there still has been no official announcement about the venue so we really don't know what it's going to be.
Since our last visit there does seem to have been a frame-out for windows both here directly beneath the Number 5 Bridge and on the far side. So while we pictured a dark & secret speakeasy bar hidden from the masses, numerous windows overlooking the former BET Soundstage site would lead us to believe this place won't be so secret after all. So maybe this won't be a Pleasure Island home for lost boys!

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