Tuesday, November 15, 2016

PI Update: Crappy Service From Morimoto

Morimoto Asia is super-pretty on the outside.
I had the occasion to dine there twice during its first year of operation. It's not cheap but the service was good although nothing to rave about either. Nonetheless, last month I had the opportunity to plan a dinner outing for a group of 28 people and I thought what could be more special for the occasion than holding it in my favorite former dance club!
And that private dining area where the Mannequins light wall was located would be perfect. So on October 18th I emailed Morimoto Asia Assistant General Manager Bernadette who responded back within hours, putting a hold on the space and providing possible menus. But that was the end of the good service from Morimoto's banquet department. I emailed. I left voice mail messages. No response. Exasperated, I went there in person on October 31st and met Sales Manager Molly who seemed disinterested but promised me a response by the next day. Nothing. So I booked elsewhere.
The cost of my event will run $4000 + tax + gratuity + service fee or nearly $5000 when it's all said and done. I just don't understand how any business nowadays, especially one in such a competitive field, can let this kind of revenue walk away.  Pretty crappy service, Morimoto.


  1. That stinks. And, this isn't the first time I've heard bad things about the service there. Their customer service needs some help for sure.

  2. Did you accidentally tell the manager you wanted to book the special Mannequins dining room? That could have done it. ;)

    I haven't gone there in about six months - too busy trying the new places out - but I had good experiences the three or four times I've visited. Hopefully this doesn't extend to the wait staff in the restaurant.

  3. "Did you accidentally tell the manager you wanted to book the special Mannequins dining room? That could have done it."
    so what if he did! they should still want his business. if they feel that way about it then good bye! if that was it call Disney and tell them I am sure Disney doesn't want UN-happy people or a business that acts like that. any business on Disney property still has certain rules they have to follow.

  4. Don't even get me started on this place... 1.5 stars after dinning there 6 times in the last 6 months. Apparently they have a budget for each week ,, and when they meet that budget $$ they just don't care about anyone after that.
    I'm done dinning there. My smallest party was 8 people, Oh so now I just take them to Ocean Prime or Roy's on Sand Lake Rd.

  5. Try copying and pasting this exact review to their Yelp page. At best it'll be seen by management or Disney and at worst it will warn others to stay away.

  6. Disney management already follows the Blog. On the Flag Counter on the Blog's first page (visible on desk tops, laptops & tablets), you'll notice that the 2nd largest number of readers comes from California. There's a reason for that.

  7. Its def over rated, if you want Vegas style new Asian, then go to Vegas.
    Boathouse seems to be better value and better service.

    Now I think it's time to start asking that question "What is Walt's going to be?"
