Tuesday, July 26, 2016

PI Update: Construction Continues

Where have you been?  Come cross this bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island!
Hopefully you're not bored with these pictures from the main construction project taking place on the Island.  At Adventurers Club, the conversion continues turning it into The Edison.
It's got a long way to go and that tower picture above will be the old power plant smokestack.
AC's former cupola-style ceiling/roof plays a part in the new structure too.
To the left is what we believe will be Walt's or Walt's Place. That round building right behind the construction wall here is where outdoor stairs in West End Plaza used to lead down to the lower level of AC and the former CM snack bar.  We believe secret stairs will lead down to the Neverland Tunnels speakeasy.
Former site of BET Soundstage, future Walt's or Walt's Place?
The large circular structure of Walt's makes one wonder if this will be some sort of performance arena instead of yet another restaurant.
Come on out to the Island and see it all for yourself!


  1. Good thought.......the more I look at the concept art.....the more "Walts" does appear to be an entertainment venue of some sort. Looks like an old art deco theater....spotlights above it ....and you can almost make out a vertical marquee of sorts....like Mannequins had on the tower of the new building. On top of all that....it simply makes sense .....and would be a great fit for The Landing.

  2. Yeah, they seem to be going in that direction.
    But for what?
    That remains to be seen!

  3. Performance rather than Restaurant?

    But this is Disney..... there can never be enough restaurants. So... maybe its both - is it big enough I wonder!? Show/diner type venue is my guess.
