Thursday, June 16, 2016

PI Update: Latest Edison Pics

Wednesday afternoon and crossing the No. 5 Bridge one more time to beautiful Pleasure Island!
Here to take a look at the latest over at The Edison. Scaffolding now in place where they're going to build the smokestack from the former power plant.
The art deco-looking middle building between The Edison and Walt's Place. Formerly in this location was a section of Adventurers Club with outdoor stairs that led down to a downstairs door into AC.  Will this be the secret, unadvertised entrance to Neverland Tunnels?
Looking further west at Walt's PlaceBET Soundstage formerly stood here along with the Pleasure Island restroom complex.
This picture was taken about a week ago but was not previously published.  Back behind The Edison, looks like an emergency exit stairway tower has been built.
New scaffolding in place behind the building yesterday now blocks the view of those stairs.
Another one week old photo.
And the scaffolding now in place here too.  None of this is scheduled to open until 2017 so lots more work to do.

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