Monday, January 4, 2016

PI Update: NYE Adventurers Club Shows

Options for New Years Eve this past Thursday night included "Countdown to Midnight" at Disney's Yacht Club Resort.  And that event included Adventurers Club shows!  Blog reader Shawn Tucker provided these pictures to us! (Yes, we know they spelled Adventurers wrong!)
The Colonel was there in full regalia!
The full stage.  You'll recall from our article about this event in early December, tickets were $300 each and you had to be staying somewhere on property in a Disney resort.  Well the resort rule ended up getting relaxed and AP holders were also given a $50 discount, making tickets $250.  Two days before the event they gave CM's a 50% discount too!
Adventurers Club was one of many beloved clubs on Pleasure Island!  When the Blog first started in 2008, the most vocal opponents of PI's closure were AC fans.
Marching along, we're Adventurers!
Full house for the 6 AC shows!  They made people leave after each session so that others could get in to watch!
The Adventurers Club ballroom was one of three.  Another just had music but the large ballroom included performances by singer Vanessa Williams (USA).  It also had the included food.  But everyone wanted into the AC shows and I'm told, at least there, a good time was had by all!  Big thanks to Shawn for the pics and information!

1 comment:

  1. This is another one of the Disney/Pleasure Island things I don't get. Obviously, Disney went to a bit of effort to make this possible, but did very little to promote it. Why? I mean, they're spending the money, wouldn't they want some type of return? I know PI/AC/clubs/nightlife are still kind of a "we don't want to talk about it thing at Disney," but then they go and have an event like this just to confuse everyone. To me, either completely ignore PI or embrace it; this half-assery doesn't make a lot of sense.

    Glad it looks like a success, though. I would have loved to be able to attend...let's try for another one at some point, Disney, that isn't on NYE!
