Tuesday, September 29, 2015

DTD Update: The Last SIN

This past Sunday night represented the 7th anniversary of the final night of Pleasure Island. This coming Sunday night will be the final night of SIN, the long-running Service Industry Night at House of Blues in Downtown Disney Westside.  Always a thorn in Disney's side, a recent alleged rape outside HOB after SIN ended was apparently the nail in the coffin for the event. A huge crowd, much larger than normal, is expected Sunday night. If you're attending, you're advised to arrive early!
Orlando Sentinel article #1
Orlando Sentinel article #2
SIN fans don't distress. Sources tell Save Pleasure Island that a very viable alternative location is seriously under discussion to replace House of Blues. We'll keep you updated.


  1. Today is officially the day, no more Downtown Disney. It's now official, Disney Springs.

  2. The Blog will have coverage of the name change ceremony Wednesday morning. Tune-in!
