Thursday, July 16, 2015

PI Update: Miscellaneous Other Updates

Miscellaneous other updates today from around Pleasure Island.  At Paradiso 37, construction wall configuration #97 is now in effect.  No venue besides Paradiso has been impacted more by the various construction projects taking place around them!
Their reward for the inconvenience is that Disney is building them a new waterfront patio.
Located between Paradiso 37 & Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar, the new Downtown Disney Water Taxi stop for The Landing is nearing completion and should be opening soon.
Side view of The Hangar.
Front view.  So far the "Jock Lindsey's" part of the name is only visible from the Village Lake side of the building.
Other side view.  A reminder that the plot of land here was very small so this venue is built mostly on a platform over the lake.
Morimoto Asia is supposed to open in September.  The suspense is killing us!

Outside Morimoto, a lot of the stone and brick work where the old Mannequins bridge used to cross and the new No. 2 Bridge in the lower left corner will cross is already installed.

At the Art of Shaving, shave and a haircut, two bits?  Not quite.

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