Tuesday, June 16, 2015

PI Update: BET Soundstage Demolished!

Well the Pleasure Island logo still flies someplace!
At West End Plaza / Celebration Plaza, construction walls once again narrow the crossing area with work taking place on both sides of the aisle.
To the south, construction of STK Steakhouse moves rapidly.
No the north, we had wondered whether the platform on which the bathroom complex stood was going to remain following the bathroom demolition.  It's not.  It's gone!
And BET Soundstage is gone too!
You can see where it previously attached to Adventurers Club.
It appears that all of BET was removed except it's platform structure.
The top floor, which was accessed from the entry facing West End Plaza, has been demolished as has the lower ground floor walls and interior which is where the dance floor used to be.  The floor of the top floor appears to remain.
The remaining Adventurers Club building now looks rather puny without Soundstage attached. And no wonder!  Blog reader Ian reports says AC's Library was demolished too!
As we previously reported, Vivoli Il Gelato has opened in the new construction across from Waterview Stage (Outdoor amphitheater).  Pricy but good stuff!
The construction wall is now around the adjoining new shop which we're told will be
Joffrey's Tea Traders.
Finally at Jock Lindsey's Hangar Bar, work is generally taking place inside.
But the previously hidden name "Reggie" on the adjoining steamboat is now on full display.
Lastly, Erwin Pearl Jewelry has added awnings on each window with their name logo.  The only previous sign was at the corner and displayed vertically so it was difficult to read the name in its cursive format.  EPJ stands at the Hub where PI Live Bar used to be located. Tune in Thursday for an update on the springs and Town Center construction.

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