Friday, May 1, 2015

PI Update: Let's Tour Our Island

Let's tour Pleasure Island and see what's new.  At BET Soundstage and Adventurers Club, no apparent changes when viewed from the water.
But that open door on the land side at BET is an indication that something is going on inside.
And all that construction refuse in front of AC is an indication that some activity is taking place inside here too!
At Paradiso 37, construction of that new outdoor patio deck continues.
At the Hangar, composition of the roof is taking an unexpected turn.
Cedar shakes?  Not your typical aircraft hangar.
Construction of the new Pleasure Island The Landing water taxi dock continues.
It's not slated to open until this summer.
A restored Italian water taxi at The Boathouse will be offering lake tours.
Patio dining and drinking in this ideal weather is offered.
Good crowd on hand enjoying the new Dockside Bar at The Boathouse.
In the Marketplace, Dockside Margaritas opened last Thursday.
Light acoustical entertainment is offered afternoons and evenings.

Back on the Island, the imposing Mannequins going through renovations.
Pretty sure it will reopen as a dance club.  :-)
So that a good time can be had by all.
Just as Pleasure Island used to have historical marker signs that described the history of each building on the Island, The Landing is getting these historical friezes depicting the area's railroad, nautical and aeronautical past. This one is located along Hill Street above the entrance to the service corridor that once was Mannequins' smokers patio door.

Above the other end of that same service corridor, another frieze depicts an old single engine airplane with two maintenance workers looking at the prop.  Perhaps this is related to the nearby Hangar.  Come on out and see it all for yourself!

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