Saturday, March 14, 2015

Club Reports: Vyce Lounge, Club Epic

Friday night in the city with tickets to two shows.  Beginning with Vyce Lounge on Orange Avenue, part of the V-Group of clubs that also includes Vixen, Vintage & Vanity!
Arrived around 11pm to find DJ Elias R in the small booth near the entrance.
With DJ Carlos Mendoza taking over shortly thereafter.  Both DJ's playing excellent non-commercial House sets!
A light population in the club at this early hour.
Around 12:30am DJ duo Cocodrills (USA) took over!
And they would put on their own very fast-paced House set!
And within 15-minutes the place was jammed!
They were building the vibe with music with and without vocals.
You can never go wrong with Go Go girls!
 The peeps dancing themselves into a frenzy!
Moving on though over to new Club Epic.
Finding DJ Markis in the booth playing House music!
Nice early crowd in here!
Like I said, nice crowd!
Spotted near VIP: DJ's David Ziemba and Jennifer Marley
Everyone in the club to see the legend DJ Derrick May (USA) who would be working the night off records and CD's!
And finally stepping on board the decks at 1am!
Derrick May is one of three Detroit-area DJ's known as the "Belleville Three" who are credited with inventing Techno music!  One of the others, DJ Kevin Saunderson, plays here at Epic on May 15th!
People dancing all over the place!
You can never go wrong with Go Go girls!
The master delivering a mix of Techno/House!
A good time was had by all!

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