Saturday, February 14, 2015

Club Report: Melia Nassau Hotel Pool Party

Beautiful warm day in Nassau today so headed out to the Melia Nassau Cable Beach Resort for the pool and the beach!
Afternoon fun with the hotel's animation team leading line dances in the poolside pavilion!  "Cupid Shuffle"!
"Cha Cha Slide"!
"Wobble" baby wobble!
A good time was had by all!


  1. I thought the only thing to do in Nassau was Atlantis. I was just at Atlantis last November on Allure Of The Seas and Atlantis was fun but Nassau was scary. They have no clue how to handle cruise ship passengers and the island itself feels dangerous.

  2. I guess it's all in your perception. We've been Nassau many times, gotten drunk, gotten lost, been in some pretty shady areas, but never felt unsafe or "dangerous". Cable beach resorts are a lot of fun and you get more bank for your buck, Atlantis is ok, but overpriced. Their public transportation (buses) are a little sketchy, but it's all part of the fun!

  3. Driving from the port to Atlantis, we saw police standing on street corners holding machine guns, not a comforting thought. On top of that, the port had no idea how to move so many cruise ship passengers off the ship on on to buses or the opposite when it was time for the ships to leave port. It was the worst. No more Nassau for me for some time.

  4. Anon @ 4:44, what cruise line did you take? We've been down to Nassau four times and didn't have a problem. We've been on Disney, but have never taken their "excursion" to Atlantis, we've always gone there by Taxi and never had a problem getting in or out. But, maybe it was the way the cruise line booked the excursion? Yes, I do remember seeing the police, but I remember seeing them in Cozamel and Grand Cayman also with the guns. I don't know, kind of makes me feel a little safer??

  5. There are few places in the world where you don't have to keep your guard up when roaming around. But downtown Nassau is generally quite safe during the day and nearly every ship clears out by 6pm anyway. I know one place quite close by that one needs to be vigilant at night: downtown Orlando!

  6. PS - I've seen police and security soldiers toting machine guns in many corners of the world but I can't say I've ever seen that in Nassau.
