Friday, February 13, 2015

Club Report: Dexter's - Windermere

It's been nearly 2 years since I visited Dexter's in Lake Mary, the restaurant that turns into a DJ-driven dance club on Thursday nights.  So when they opened a new venue in Windermere, it needed to be checked-out!
A familiar face was behind the decks!  DJ Donny Young from that other Dexter's was in Windermere last night putting out Top 40, Latin & Hip Hop!
Just a disappointingly small crowd in the club though.
Although Donny Young says this was the most crowded night he's experienced here since he's been alternating between the two venues.  Young is also the Friday night resident DJ downtown at the Stagger Inn.
Wobble baby Wobble!
A good time was had by all?

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