Thursday, January 1, 2015

NYE Club Report: EPCOT Italy

Our final report from last night comes from EPCOT Italy where the lasers were really flying!
Where legendary DJ Mark Sanchez was blowing out Electro, Tech and Progressive House music all night!
First time I've seen him spinning since NYE last year!
Crowd was really getting into the EDM!
The piazza was packed and no one was waiting for Hip Hop!
Spotted: Blog reader ClubMaster with his crew.  Elsewhere in Italy, some Mannequins peeps were also spotted!
At EPCOT last night, a good time was had by all!  Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Awesome. Disney obviously knows people like this. They could make so much money reopening a club like Mannequins if it was marketed properly.

  2. Yes, but they don't want to. Any future nightlife at Disney Springs will be operated by their respective owners.

  3. Audio volume in Italy was too LOW! My group could barely hear the music from just outside the wine bar
