Sunday, January 4, 2015

Club Reports: Independent Bar, Suite B Lounge

After back-to-back nights at EPCOT and AAHZ, just didn't have it in me last night to try out anything new.  So I stuck with the things I knew I'd like, beginning with I-Bar!
Saturday night resident DJ Indie John in the booth along with lighting tech Ernie.
The dance floor was initially deserted around 10:30pm but by 11pm, packed!
Of course the Saturday night music format of early to mid 80's New Wave is the big attraction!
It's like a night of watching MTV back in the day!
Crowd-watching is never a disappointment!
Had not seen these two at I-Bar in at least 3 years!
Always a great time here!
Suite B Lounge has become Orlando's home of Breakbeats.....but not last night!
Because DJ Bobman (aka DJ Fusion) was in the booth spinning House!
Club wasn't particularly crowded but those that were there kept the dance floor occupied!
And hearing Oliver $ "Doin' Ya Thang" followed by Green Velvet's "Bigger Than Price" blew my mind!
DJ Avlish taking over around 1am.  Had not seen him before and didn't know what to expect.
But he started with an incredible Deep House set!
Lasers and a light cube!
Back to House music!
And then ending the night back into Deep House tracks.  It was so good; couldn't leave until the lights came on!
Spotted on the dance floor: Bobman with Katie
Wow!  A good time was had by all!


  1. Did this avlish guy have his own "following" and bring people in just to see him? That's the line of sh&t that Suite B tells you if you're a Dj and you inquire about spinning there. It's crap but hey, it's their club.

  2. Yes, each of the DJ's had their own following. But the booking was not by individual DJ's but by Kyle Myers. You might want to check with him:

  3. would be interesting to see what they think a "following" looks like. seems like the club is too lazy to do their own promotion...

  4. It's been my observation that very few clubs book anything themselves any more. They rely on a promoter to book each night and it's the promoter who brings-in whoever. The financial deals between the owner and the promoter vary. Often the promoter gets the door and the owner gets the bar.
