Sunday, December 21, 2014

PI Update: Paradiso 37 Expanding

The Pleasure Island pedestrian bypass causeway has reopened and it's possible to get to the Pleasure Island water taxi station directly from the Island again. The route allows you to access Paradiso 37's outdoor seating and entertainment area which is gaining an expansion.

This exclusive SkyCam photo shows the reopened causeway threading itself between Paradiso on the right and the under construction The Hanger bar on the left.

The restaurant / bar has lost real estate on the Hill Street side of the building across from Mannequins so they will make up for it with an expansion overlooking Village Lake.

Pilings driven into the lake indicate an expanded outdoor patio.

SkyCam look at what has been constructed so far with an indication the expanded patio will take up the entire side of the building. No one has been impacted more by the clubs closing than Paradiso 37 which was contracted for and under construction at the time the closings were announced.  We'll keep you updated.

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