Friday, December 19, 2014

Club Report: Washington HiFi

Well it turns out that Washington HiFi is really a new club night rather than a new club, although they have their own sign and a separate entrance in an alley back behind Planet Pizza.

Located in two back rooms of The Patio (formerly Eye Spy), I have been in here many times but never realized this is where Washington HiFi was going.  One room has the bar and this is where everyone was standing around chatting initially.
And a second room with the DJ's and dance floor had a few gathered.  Keep in mind the flash lit this up; it was actually quite dark in here!
Sound Bar's resident DJ Monsanto in the booth initially blowing out Progressive and Deep House.
The dance floor slowly filled up as it got later.
And the former Sound Bar crowd came out to support it!
Winter Springs' very own DJ Chad Andrew (USA) taking over at a quarter till 1am!
And continuing with more House/Deep House tracks.  He was playing this stuff years ago when it wasn't this popular!  He spent this past summer playing clubs in Ibiza.
There is no club lighting back here to speak of unfortunatately.
A good time was had by all!
Meanwhile in the mostly outdoor The Patio, DJ Richie Rich (House of Blues, The Beacham) was playing Hip Hop.
But the only people over here were people from Washington HiFi who came over for some fresh air.  Overall a nice start for the new club night!

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