Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DTD Update: West Side Story

Let's check out the latest photos from the new West Side Parking Garage.
They continue to add dimension to the exterior so it doesn't look so much like a Car Park.
Viewing from the rear of Splitsville.
From our SkyCam, the west section of the garage.
The center section.  All those pillars on top?  Your guess is as good as mine.
The east section's entry structure.
And the east section itself.  Note the elevator doors on each level.
And escalators too in the center section.
At the Food Truck Park, no apparent progress from our visit three weeks ago.
The "hidden Mickey" is still pretty prominent.  I expect this to remain prominent, visible to only those in the air.
The high-line has railings and speakers have been added.
The solo section of high-line is partly surrounded by walls again as another addition is made.

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