Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What Restaurant Will Mannequins Become?

No April Fools tricks this year folks; last week's announcement that the Mannequins/8TRAX building was going to become a restaurant was enough of a shock. But our April Fools joke three years ago where we announced that Mannequins was going to become an IHOP sure did end up being prophetic. Not only did that article predict in jest that a restaurant coming but it also correctly predicted that Disney changed their mind about Hyperion Wharf.  For our thousands of newer readers, here's the link.


  1. M-I-C L-A-M... Mickey is so lame.

  2. All the savepleasureisland people that were so hopeing that P.I. would come back have been let down.
    P.S. The whole thing is pretty pathetic.

  3. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C, Disney.

  4. We still don't know what the offereings are going to be on the West Side. I suspect many things could have a late-night aspect. And even what goes into Mannequins could have an afterhours angle.

    Most restaurant's business drops off sharply after 9-10pm. Late night entertainment offerings such as DJ's & bands only get going around those times, extending the money-making capability of an establishment for another 4-5 hours.
