Sunday, February 16, 2014

Club Report: The Groove

Spotted last night at The Groove, DJ Mondo (Amphitheater, Jackson's, wearing an awesome Jesus of Ibiza t-shirt!  Club was packed!  A good time was had by all!


  1. Where can I get one?

  2. Hope they don't close it.

  3. Hope the don't close it.

  4. close what..the Groove? You've been hanging out in Colorado too much lately... ;)

  5. Rumor has it that The Groove is next on the chopping block at City Walk

  6. That rumor is false.

  7. Anon at 10:31am, I hope you're right. How do you know it's false? New and large restaurants seem to be coming in. I'm afraid they will squeeze The Groove out. Do you have any solid proof it will stay such as do you know any of the City Walk execs and if so have they said it will stay?

  8. Bob would probably second this but the chances of The Groove going away are extremely low. It's the only actual club at City Walk, they've spent a LOT of money in there within the last year to upgrade a lot of the equipment, etc.

    There's a pretty long list of reasons why the Groove should be safe.

    The next changes you'll see have more to do with restaurants, not the clubs.

  9. Couldn't find any management out there at CityWalk this past Saturday night to ask about that rumor.

    All the announced restaurants have spaces without the need for taking out The Groove. There is a mirror image to The Groove, directly to the left of The Groove, if they really needed space.

    CityWalk is printing money for Universal and Disney handed them much of it. Restaurants die out after 10pm while clubs are just starting out, extending the money-earning ability of real estate.

    Comcast is investing huge sums into the parks and into CityWalk. The Groove itself is the beneficiary of new lighting, spraydown equipment, monitors, lasers, etc. It seems doubtful that they would spend the money if they planed to close it.

    I am hoping that there is going to be a serious renovation taking place with a retheming to bring it back to the future. Closing to retheme makes sense; closing to convert into yet another restaurant doesn't.

  10. Great analysis, King Bob. My dream for the groove would be to expand it into that mirror image space and make it even better! I agree that updating is extremely important. I also hope that City Walk is better managed than PI was in the reguard that the left hand does know what the right hand is doing and would not put all that effort into a club and then close it but that's what Disney did with Mannequins. It seems like they put money into it not fully deciding to close it until they decided to close it. What a heart ache it has caused so many people. I really hope Universal doesn't follow down the same path.

  11. Universal has a pretty good track record overall. When you get down into some of the specific clubs and the management in that club, I wonder sometimes based on some of the choices for entertainment. That can be tricky though because you almost need to be a Dj to know that they Dj you want to put in The Groove on a Friday night at 11pm may not belong in there. They should have a separate, qualified, entertainment person/committee that signs off on any Dj/band that performs in any of the clubs. If that were the case, instead of letting a manager do it, you'd avoid some of the problems in the past and the quality of your entertainment would increase.

  12. Anon at 11:25 PM, what would you do to improve the Groove?

  13. I'm not the anon at 11:25 but I'd like to see the Groove get rid of that old theater look and turn it into a futuristic looking dance clubs. Some different levels to dance on.

  14. DJ Anon I'm anon at 11:25. I think the groove is great. I'd love to see it expand into the mirror image space King Bob was talking about. I'd also love a revolving dance floor and costume dancers like Mannequins had. (I know they have go go dancers). Also love it if they had GayDays parties;-).
