Sunday, December 1, 2013

Club Reports: Vintage Lounge, Vixen Bar, Sound Bar, The Beacham, Independent Bar

After a weekend of too much turkey and too much shopping, it was time to just wander around last night to see if anything was going on.  First stop was Vintage Lounge.
In the booth was DJ Dominick Morrison (Mannequins, Sky60, EPCOT-China) playing a lot of Top 40/Hip Hop during my visit.
Pretty decent crowd in here but not as jammed as we've seen in prior years.  It seems as though Fridays have gone completely Hip Hop and Saturdays about half way!
Always a nicely dressed crowd though.
Dancing in the corner!
Next Saturday December 7th will be Morrison's last Saturday night here after a 5 years in the booth at Vintage!  He moves on to other ventures including all afternoon/night EDM Sunday sessions at Sky60.  And don't miss his incredible Top 40/Dance concert under the fire-breathing dragon at EPCOT-China on New Year's Eve! There's nothing else like it!
Moving next door to Vixen Bar, another V-Group venture that seems to have changed direction. They apparently have done an about-face on Breakbeats, something that has always drawn crowds for them and even their alleged biggest money-maker, the monthly NLP DJ concerts, are no more.
I did step inside for a few minutes and found DJ Seth Vogt and DJ Knightlife in the booth with a Top 40/House format.
The music was ok but there was no one dancing and few patrons in the bar.  Not sure why they would want to change what seemed to be working before.
Around the corner we go to my new favorite, Sound Bar. It's hard to find but you can enter from an alley on Pine Street or you can enter through Native Social Bar on Church Street.
Resident DJ Monsanto was in the booth last night playing vocal and non-vocal House music. It's not the commercial stuff you hear on the radio.
Not as crowded as some Saturdays but not bad either.
Spotted: Our favorite bartender Lisa has migrated over to Sound Bar from Suite B Lounge!
Spotted on the dance floor: Sound Bar Resident DJ Ed Abisada with friend.
Next stop The Beacham for their "Swirl Saturdays".
Spotted outside before heading in, Orlando "It Girl" CJ (second from right) hiding between friends John (far right) and Randy (far left) !
Meanwhile inside, DJ D-Strong (102JAMZ) in the booth with resident DJ Richie Rich (House of Blues).
The place was absolutely JAM'd!
You can never go wrong with Go Go girls, even if the picture can't be straightened!
The music is nearly all Hop Hop & Rap but Richie Rich plays all EDM tonight at Service Industry Night at House of Blues in Downtown Disney!
Last stop of the night, personal favorite Independent Bar!
Finding DJ Mickey in the booth playing early to mid-80's New Wave. Apparently also found Lighting Tech Ernie napping at the controls!
Through the haze, a very-crowded dance floor!
Spotted: Resident DJ Indie John (far left) and the famous-for-being-famous CJ hanging out with friends. Spotted at the far right rear, DJ Stefan (Necropolis, 11/12 Lounge).
And a good time was had by all!

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