Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Music At SeaWorld

SeaWorld, Orlando's underrated theme park that has been gaining profitability this year since the opening of its Antarctica ride.  And it's all decorated-up this month and there's plenty of Christmas music to be had!
During the day, look out for the Groove Chiefs!
As evening falls, The Polar Express ride has carolers dressed-up as train conductors, performing barbershop quartet style.
There are some showings of Elmo's Christmas Wish show, a show which is thankfully short!
Got to have a live Christmas band!
Sometimes you have to make your own music!  Inside Shamu Stadium time passes with everyone in attendance invited to sing-along to the tunes as the words are presented karaoke-style!
And this is how a mime leads a sing-along prior to Clyde & Seamore's Countdown to Christmas show!
And Christmas tree lights in the lake dance to Christmas music multiple times on select dates. Looking for something more traditional this season? Give SeaWorld a try as it's better than ever! (Well, except that they don't give away free beer anymore!)


  1. Great posting Bob! Sea World is very underrated and they are catching so much bad press lately, it's nice to show the great things they do for the holidays. Besides, they have 2 of the best coasters in Orlando! We love Sea World... they are very much misunderstood today. There are so many positive things they do, thanks again.

  2. Yes, bad press over the issue of killer whales. But an examination of the entire "zoo" concept needs to take place worldwide before only SeaWorld is condemned. It's not fair.

  3. Hi Bob, instead of "barbershop quartet" style it would be more correct to say "a cappella" since barbershop quartet style involves groupings of four voice parts and very specific style of music. I know, it's minor, but thought I'd point it out.

  4. Sea World enslaves Orcas.
