Thursday, July 11, 2013

PI Update: Are There Really Still mannequins Hanging Inside Mannequins?

An always interesting topic of conversation in the Blog's Comments sections.  Are there really still mannequins hanging inside Mannequins?  The answer is yes and if you're visiting the area you can verify this for yourself!
Come over to the side entrance.  There's a demolition wall now partitioning half the walkway but it's still accessible and there is no longer a chain blocking entry.
In this file photo, we see the upstairs "smokers patio" door as it looked when the club was still operational.  Come up to the door and take a peek inside!
When you look straight in, memories will flood into your mind.  The lockers, bathroom entrances, the location of two former payphones and a couple of signs.  Now look up above the payphone area and what do you see?  A mannequin!  (CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE)
Now look to your left and into the club.  This is best done after dark when reflections on the door glass are minimized and the lighted club allows you to see into Mannequins.  And behold, you'll see 1 or 2 of the former mannequins still hanging from that corner tower.  How can this be when the club was gutted?  The club was gutted of sound and lighting equipment. The mannequins owned by the Entertainment division, the ones with electric eyes that would lower upside down from the rafters, are gone.  They were sold at Disney Property Control.  But those mannequins owned by the club itself, the ones attached to the four corner towers that did not move, are still there.  Yes Virginia, there really are still mannequins hanging inside Mannequins!  Stop by and see them for yourself!


  1. the big sign that says mannequins that used to come down from the ceiling was recently sold. The winner is a monorail manager. I told him we should put our mannequin next to the sign and take a picture, just like old times!

  2. Do you think he'd let me borrow that for this Fall's MANNEQUINS REUNION!

  3. Oh, and I need to borrow your mannequin too!

  4. Bob, J.M. Best Entertainment I believe is involved in helping Parliament House put on their Mannequins PI welcome party for GayDays. It's an exact recreation of Mannequins. Maybe they can help you with the Mannequins reunion.

  5. Thanks Anon at 12:29pm. I will save that name. For now, I've actually already retained the best firm in the business. They bring the world's best DJ's to Orlando so if anyone can help pull this all together, they can. Lots of details to be worked out before we can announce anything though.

  6. Bob I'm sure William would be happy to lend out Manny for a reunion

  7. was that the big neon one with the guy and girl on the ends.

  8. You guys, do know that we've done a PI @ PH night at GayDays for the last 3 years now... with your fav bartenders, and the PI dancers, doing full mannequins dance routines and we setup a lighting rig with CO2 spray downs and body scanning lasers right?

  9. Bob, when D puts aluminum foil over the windows, I'm blaming this blog. :)

  10. The article and the comments were interesting, it's too bad that there is nothing being done to bring P.I. or the clubs back.
    I wonder what they're going to have for the adults, for partying at night.

  11. No aluminum foil on the windows as of yet! A the same time, no activity inside that would indicate any imminent demolition of Mannequins either.

  12. ok the last 2 are old pics! so I still say its gutted as it says "In this file photo" still not give a pic that was taken in the last few months or weeks or better yet DAYS!

  13. The picture of the Mannequins back door is a file photo but the picture looking straight into the building where the pay phones used to be is a fresh July, 2013 photo. And if you look up, you can see one of the mannequins still there.
