Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Club Report: EPCOT Italy

By now you know the drill.  New Years Eve.  EPCOT.  Italy.
House/Progressive House/Dance from DJ Mark Sanchez! (Firestone, Club V)
The piazza was packed!
The music was like a great night on Electric Area! (Sirius XM 52)
With one massive dance hit after another!

 Mark Sanchez was one of the DJ's performing at the Stanton Warriors / DJ Icey concert on the Saturday night before Christmas at Firestone Live.
Faces in the crowd!
Sanchez blew the place up....his best House set ever!
Incredible sound system, incredible lighting.
Incredible lasers. The Mouse knows how to put on a great show!
And a good time was had by all!
(Thanks to reader Duane for some of the photos used in this article)


  1. Can you name names on Sanchez's setlist?

    Would be interesting to see what he was playing...

  2. Its all a blur. I remember Cinema because he played the version that wasn't dubstep but then ended it with that whole dubstep part.

  3. the joys of drunk facebooking songs you like...you have a pretty good track listing LOL
    He played:
    As the rush comes(I went crazy for that one!)
    One Love
    rock the house
    how we do
    don't you worry child
    who is ready to jump(not sure on title)
    Turn me on

    That's all I've got from memory, tags on my phone from Shazam, and Facebook haha. It makes me wanna dance just going through it again! It truly was magic, like MDP would be if it were open.

  4. I wasn't there at the beginning but Mark Sanchez told me, laughing, that he opened with Gangnam Style!

    Yeah, the way he did Benny Bennasi's "Cinema" was incredible.

  5. So playing the older more familiar stuff? That's cool.

  6. Zulemara you can thank me for that, I was texting mark song request and right before he had to stop for NYE fireworks, I said for him to play As the rush comes by motorcycle. and he nodded and played it. But it was funny he pointed at me and said look at your phone, and I did and the text from mark said, "Should i play gangam style", and I said "Yes please" It felt good to suggest songs for him to play. I just loved the fact that in the beginning of his Intro he announced my name, It was awesome.
