Thursday, October 18, 2012

Remembering Studio 54

One year ago tonight had to be my greatest club night ever!  Sirius/XM Satellite Radio had started a new music channel called Studio 54 Radio featuring music and DJ's from the original club Studio 54 in New York City.  Sparing no expense, Sirius/XM went to the original club location, renovated it and reopened Studio 54 again......for one night only!  And because of the Save Pleasure Island Blog, I was an invited guest and received the coveted wristbands shown above!
Having been too young to go to the original legendary club, this was like a dream come true!
I remained on the packed dance floor nearly the entire night, except for trips to the free open bar!  The music was 70-80's Disco from that era spun by original Studio 54 DJ Nicky Siano. (Other than the surprise one hour Dance set from Avicii!)
They even recreated the clubs original icon, the cocaine-snorting crescent moon.  To hell with political correctness!
And without a doubt, a good time was had by all!  Especially me!

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