Saturday, September 1, 2012

PI Update: One Year Ago


(CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE)  It was one year ago this past week when Disney work crews spent several nights obliterating references to club names at the buildings that remained on Pleasure Island.  When the PI clubs were closed in 2008, many of the buildings kept their names posted in some form. Prior to the closure, the contract with Black Entertainment Television had expired so the BET name had already been removed from club BET Soundstage.  But after the clubs closing, both the Soundstage Club name on the building and on the microphone sign curiously remained in place (top photo).  Only during the Island "cleansing" one year ago did the names get removed (middle photo) from the front.  And even then, a very large Soundstage Club sign remained at the rear facing Village Lake (bottom photo). And this is how it remains today, the only PI club still with a posted sign.


  1. I'd say the best use for this building would be to make this an Adventurers Club restaraunt with new and interrelated shows with the neighboring Adventurers Club.

  2. Anonymous... what a great idea!! I love that thought... Disney, are you listening? (prob not...) Damn Mouse!

  3. they should make some dining resturant with live improv comedy. Be best money making resturant ever.
