Friday, August 10, 2012

PI Update: Remembering Mannequins History

Most people know that Mannequins was a large dance club located on Pleasure Island at Walt Disney World.  What many don't know is that the building was originally built as a canvas sail-making facility, then used as a film studio and after that the home of a huge steam locomotive.  It was during this later period in time that a huge turntable was installed in order to turn the locomotive around.  When Disney later turned the building into a dance club, the turntable was able to be used as the club's famous revolving dance floor.  The historical plaque above, formerly posted on the wall outside the building, documented the history of the World's most famous dance club.
RUMOR UPDATE:  Our sources on the Island report no construction activity inside Mannequins or Comedy Warehouse at this time.  At Mannequins, the floor is still in there and the mannequins are still hanging.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First of all thanks for the update, it's good to know that the revolving dance floor and mannequins are still in there.
    Hopefully C.W. and 8Trax will be reopened also.
    P.S. I'm sure that everyone is wanting all three clubs opened up at P.I. so that everyone can party.

  3. I thought (maybe I am wrong) someone said they could get pics of the inside of Mannequins floor? to prove that it is still there?
    I like the other guy(s) (gal(s))! have heard other wise!
    I have heard from a few CM's that work for Disney that the floor and the whole inside has been GUTTED!

  4. the inside is gutted of electronics, but the mannquins still remain hanging and the floor is visible

  5. So is it opening back up?

  6. That's the rumor but it's unsubstantiated at this point.

  7. Not even Disney knows!

  8. Why can't they just make their guests happy!!? Isn't that what they should want to do? We've already established that it is safe and profitable.

  9. I am extremely disappointed in Disney for not doing the right thing and open at least 2 of the Clubs. I HATE going to CitiWalk. I cannot stomach that place. I loved being on the Island with my friends and just enjoying a good evening out. If Disney wants "our" dreams to come true the way they advertise it, then PLEASE........ Open the Clubs again and make everyone happy again. Life is too short, and I may have a few more years left, God willing. I miss my hugs and smiles and giggles I had on the Island. I miss my Friends.

  10. Awesome. I hope all our dreams come true.

  11. The Blog has been told that a large dance club operator from Los Angeles inspected PI facilities a few months ago. Are they behind the rumored reopening of some PI clubs? Don't know.

  12. Hopefully this operator from L.A. will see the potential in the buildings and start fixing up the clubs, and reopen them at P.I.
    P.S. May our dreams come true.

  13. I agree...I don't like City Walk and I don't like downtown, so what do I do? I don't dance anymore and I miss it so much. I loved PI and I still can't believe it's gone. Please, somebody, bring it back!!!

  14. Why don't you like CityWalk?
    Why don't you like downtown?

  15. This question is for all who may have knowledge. Is the supposed costume budget in line with the idea of a third party operator for Mannequins? Or is it more indicative of Disney reopening Mannequins and operating it themselves. It seems if it was going to be run by a third party that the costuming might not be done by Disney and also that the name and theme might be different therefore making it seem likelier to me that it would be Disney itself reopening Mannequins. Am I wrong? Also, the castmembers I spoke with at GayDayS said that "Mannequins" is going to be reopening. They referred to it by name and mentioned nothing about third parties.

  16. Oh goodness! Those Gay Days rumors can't possibly be taken for real. All of us queens that LOVED that place of course wish it back.

    Has anyone heard when/if the CIF will be coming back? I'll back in November and I expect it to be there!

  17. Anon at 1:44pm, I agree with your analysis. If a third-party was going to operate a club, one would think that the costumes would come from the third-party, not from Disney.

    So if the rumor is even true (it came from a reliable source), Disney would either be operating a reopened Mannequins or have some other use for Mannequins costumes. That's why I mentioned the possibility that perhaps the costumes are for a Mannequins-themed nighttime party at one of the theme parks.

    Jeff-Gainesville: CIF?

  18. funny you say "it came from a reliable source"
    I have a reliable source that said the opposite and has been saying this! BUT I guess we have to listen to you and or ZULE who works there? and I still say we are to believe someone with a fictitious name! but I guess he doent want his real name out there due to the fact he has someone who might not like him? I really dont blame him at all but still!!!
