Sunday, August 12, 2012

Club Reports: Suite B Lounge, Vixen Bar

New new territory covered last night as I stuck with the tried and true for great dance music beginning with Suite B Lounge
The Underground Sound group of DJ's took over the place last night with one set playing music only off vinyl and the other set playing only off CD's.  DJ Scarlett opened playing music off both formats.
DJ Mike Funk was up next playing a hard-driving mostly Vocal House mix.
He was followed by Spindle, a local DJ I had not encountered previously.
Decent crowd on hand that continued to grow as the night went on.
If you look carefully into Spindle's backpack, you'll see something we used to call "record sleeves" back in the day, and under them, something we used to call "record album covers"!  And highly likely within those record album covers are black vinyl disks that spin at 33-1/3 rpm and are called....records.
Lisa behind the Suite B bar can whip you up some delicious concoctions!
Over to Vixen Bar, the tiny venue that makes Suite B look huge.
Over here the NLP group of DJ's were putting out the Breaks including DJ Matrix (left) who I couldn't get to look up!
When I kept hearing a male voice (upper left) doing the announcing, I thought maybe they canned Marybeth!
Thankfully not.  They were just taking turns.
Spotted: DJ Funkbaby (Peacock Room, Suite B Lounge, Space Coast Love Festival) partying with friend Ally!  Funkbaby will be taking part in "Bassgasm" on August 25th with guest Denver-based DJ Hero.
Spotted: The usual assortment of Mannequins characters!  And a good time was had by all!


  1. Thanks a lot once more for a lot of things.


  2. Ought to agree you are one of many coolest blogger I ever noticed.
