Monday, July 2, 2012

PI Update: Balloon Removed

No time was wasted!  The Characters In Flight tethered balloon has been deflated and shipped back to Aerophile's headquarters in France following the failure of a similar balloon at Ocean Park theme park in Hong Kong last Thursday.
They are keeping an Attendant on duty at CIF so there is an intent to keep passersby informed.  They wouldn't do that if they were closing for good but he told me that they don't know yet when the ride will reopen.
Update: According to Jason Garcia at the Orlando Sentinel, the balloon was scheduled to be replaced this November anyway so the ride will not reopen until they can get that balloon here.  Article.
Good news across the street from Pleasure Island.  Gas has finally dropped below $3/gallon!  The two other Hess stations on Disney property are also at $2.99.9/gallon and several stations along SR 535 (Kissimmee-Vineland Road) just over the border in Osceola County are at $2.95.9/gallon.


  1. I'm surprised they haven't erected a big green wall with wording: "This area is being refurbished for your future (and hopefully airworthy) enjoyment"

  2. Lol....What makes the balloon any different than anything else on the island? Just remove it and let it sit there empty. Now it matches all of our loved clubs... Deserted and Depressing... Damn Mouse!

  3. The great wizard of Oz, has flown away in his balloon, there was no man behind the curtain, it was all an illusion.. but don't worry, we are still improving the island and it will have all sorts of shiny new things someday, soon.. maybe...... maybe.. were is that spaceship from XZFER's when you need it, maybe the aliens could fix it all.

  4. hhahah if they bring the party back then i am sure the economy and eveyone else would be happy!!

  5. Why blame Disney? Aerophile pulled all of their balloons world-wide back to their company HQ for full safety inspections; including those operated on Disney properties and many not on Disney properties. Disney doesn't own nor operate CIF; Aerophile does, and their claim is that all of their balloons will return to service once thoroughly inspected, including the one used for CIF.


  6. When it comes to your gas prices, just give a thought to us in the UK. Ours has rocketed over recent years and we now pay £1.33 per litre, yes a LITRE!! (it has come down from £1.42). look up the sterling dollar exchange rate and you will be shocked at how much per gallon that works out to be in Dollars. It is crippling us.

  7. Sue, Sue, Sue, you're making my brain do WAY too much math since I have to covert both £ into $ and then liters into gallons, or is it the other way around? Anyway readers, it looks to be between $8-$9 per gallon!

    I've driven on the continent numerous times but when I'm in the UK I stick with trains. Something about you all driving on the wrong side of the road!
