Friday, July 13, 2012

Club Reports: Vain, I-Bar, Vintage

Rarely come downtown on a Thursday night but wanted to see how it is.  First stop Vain.
Didn't recognize the DJ who was playing Hip Hop initially and then switched over to Dance.
Very little action on the dance floor around 11pm.  Thursday is Ladies Night at Vain which means free entry all night and free drinks until midnight.  They were supposed to be having a "beach party" but no one I saw dared show-up in beach attire!
I've only visited I-Bar on a Thursday a handful of times.
Thursday night resident DJ Smilin' Dan in the control tower.
Just a few dancers on the floor here too but Dan said around midnight it would be packed down there.  And as I departed around midnight there indeed was a pretty long line at the door to get in!
Last stop Vintage Lounge for their Bang! Thursday night.
Always good to see Thursday night resident DJ Marc Sparcs!
A couple of ladies got the dancing going to the all-EDM music format.
And soon the floor was pretty full.  Next Thursday DJ Baby Anne will be the guest DJ here at Vintage Lounge and there will be 3 times as many people!  Great music at Vintage!

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