Friday, June 15, 2012

PI Update: Splitsville Exterior Renovations

Save Pleasure Island Blog reader Frank provided us Adventurers Club photos yesterday and also these photos for today's article. Talking about the PI "great sign" above, he noted how huge it is and what a massive undertaking it will be to remove it, if that's what they're going to do.
A different reader had posted a Comment last week about all the "cherry picker" trucks parked in the Downtown Disney parking lot, speculating that they may have something to do with removal of the PI great sign.  Frank feels they're instead related to conversion of the former Virgin Megastore into the Splitsville upscale bowling alley/nightclub.
Indeed, construction has now begun on the exterior of the massive building.
Pedestrian traffic cannot be interrupted during the day so exterior renovations are taking place overnight.  That's when the trucks are brought over to access the higher portions.
Closeup on the renovations. Concept art for how this will look once completed can be found at Tampa Tribune website
A look inside at Splitsville's duct work.
Splitsville is supposed to open this Fall.  They've got a long way to go.
Big thanks again to Blog reader Frank for sharing photos from his recent visit!

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