Tuesday, May 8, 2012

PI Update: Soundstage Lives!

When Pleasure Island demolition crews went around the Island last August taking down or painting over all remaining comedy and dance club signs, they curiously left one sign up: Soundstage Club.
Perhaps they thought no one could see it so it wasn't worth the expense in taking it down, but it is quite visible from the water and from the tethered balloon ride too.  Interestingly, when you look at the latest Downtown Disney Guidemap, that logo is still printed there as well.  Makes you wonder if there is some legal reason to keep displaying it?  I can't imagine what that would be though and the "BET" part of the logo (Black Entertainment Television) was removed even before the club closed for good.
Lighting and sound systems were removed long ago but the interior is generally intact and visible through the front and rear windows.  We heard long ago that the roof had a bad leak but surely that's something that could be repaired.  The missing window panes don't help the situation though and rumors persist that the place along with neighboring Adventurers Club are coming down.
An enterprising club owner could turn this into a new club Motion.  With multiple bars and multiple levels, the place could be up and running with a minimum of investment.  'Cupid Shuffle' at midnight anyone?

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