Thursday, April 5, 2012

PI Update: Is Splitsville At A Standstill?

When I peeked inside the construction walls at Splitsville during my most recent visit, I was surprised to find that construction progress still appeared to be at a standstill.  This was first reported back on February 13th here on the Blog but looking inside again now, nothing seems to have changed even since then.  Yes, it is possible that contractors are working on plumbing, electrical, HVAC systems, etc and this type of work might not be apparent to someone just glancing inside. But it just seemed eerily inactive in there and in my opinion, no way can the place be finished and open for business within 8 months.
But we're all pulling for the place, looking forward to some DJ music so we can do that promised "Victory Dance"!


  1. The closing of PI (and even before that, the walkway through it) has severely affected the DtD concept and allure of businesses to participate in it. Still hoping the Splitville pause is construction over-sites that are being corrected, but the entire property will always be broken without an adult area.

  2. when PI first opened the west side was not there!

  3. I never connected with the West Side myself. I always loved the Marketplace, and of course Pleasure Island, but the West Side always felt a little cold, fake, small, incomplete... I can't find the perfect word, but it never worked for me. :/

  4. yeah well it is there!

  5. Disney Marketplace was formerly Disney Village and most of it is/was Disney run. Not so with the West Side where nearly everything is 3rd Party and has been that way since it was built. Unfortunately, you can expect whatever becomes of PI to emulate the West Side.

  6. Its looking more and more like another business looking to set up shop in DTD has gone splitsville man. Construction in virgin has been deadsville for a while now.

  7. Too lazy to notice myself, but scroll down here and Orlando Theme Park News saw that SV still has the old concept art up outside.

    Curiouser and curiouser...

  8. 71Jason, next time I'm out there I'll check out to see whether the original concept art is still posted at SV.
