Saturday, April 7, 2012

Club Reports: Zanzabar, Platforms (Ocala)

Traveling from there to here, a visit to Ocala to check out the local scene.  First stop Zanzabar, formerly Ocala's largest dance club.  But not any more.
Second stop the Ocala Entertainment Complex, home to Urban Cowboy and Platforms.  You have to pass through UC to get to the rear where Platforms is located.  The $15 entry fee last night gets you into both clubs and "all you can drink".  Not a bad deal as just 2 drinks would be about breakeven. The large front venue is Country music of course and lots of cowboy hats.  Interesting.  Pleasure Island had two country venues over the years; Neon Armadillo and Wildhorse Saloon. Neither lasted.  But this is Ocala.
Don't know who the DJ was in the booth as it was an extra $20 to go upstairs into the VIP area. No thanks.  Was hoping to catch DJ KJ (Tabu Night Club, Zanzabar) who plays here some Fridays but he was not working last night.
Which was a shame because at least he would be playing some Dance and Top 40.  The format last night was nearly 100% Hip Hop!
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.  This is Ocala.


  1. I would have thought in Ocola they would have COUNTRY clubs!

  2. I wish I could enjoy the night life of Ocala, Ocala night life is amazing, I can see the the picture how people are dancing crazily and I love that spirit of dancing. I myself love dancing.
