Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PI Update: Is There Construction Going On Inside Adventurers Club?

We received an email from a reader indicating that when he passed by the Adventurers Club late last Wednesday night there were lights on inside and he could see what appeared to be construction workers moving about.  Could not get any confirmation from Island sources but another reader went by a couple nights later and while that person did not find any active construction visible inside, he did note there were more lights on inside than in the recent past.  So the question is, is there construction going on inside Adventurers Club?


  1. maybe they are GUTTING IT!! and ready for?????????

  2. It's already been mostly gutted. Even empty, the space is architecturally impressive. It would not be suprising for someone in the Walt Disney Company to want to re-purpose the space for something else, even if only for office or meeting or "orientation" space.

  3. If the place has been already gutted than maybe ther're fixing it up as a night club.

  4. Installing a revolving floor & disco balls; calling it, "8'quinns". Damn mouse!

  5. They weren't construction workers, it was the Village People using the AC as a staging area to launch their assault on 8Trax.

  6. Hopefully it was Fletcher Hodges remounting and hanging the artifact back in their proper place.

  7. One of the rumored uses for that AC space, if the building were not demolished, is a consolidation of DTD management staff into one location. Management is currently divided between space under the West End Plaza and upstairs near the Hanes T-Shirt store.

  8. I hate to say it but they could have been reedy creek fire inspectors. They still have to monitor and check those buildings regularly.

  9. At 10:30 at night, probably not.

  10. You are all wrong. The place is haunted and there were ghosts from past visitors. They usually come out at night anyway. it just makes sense!!!!! And all those tall plants in front of the building are so the ghosts can have their quiet time. Disney respects ghosts too.

  11. Reedy Creek fire inspectors work 24 hours a day.

  12. This is truly the funniest comments i have ever read. I am seriously enjoying this, Thanks Bob for the blog.

  13. Anon 2/8 at 10:08 p.m. is correct and that is true in other cities as well. As a former firefighter/EMT I know for sure that the fire inspector can pay visits to many different types of venues (night clubs, concerts, restaurants, etc.) during peak times to look for violations.

  14. yes and the reedy creek fire inspector did pay a visit One saturday night to Mannequins and told them they had too much fog in the club! and made then clear it out! i was there that night!

  15. While they might have the ability to do it (and might for a crowded club) why on earth would they choose to do a fire inspection late at night in an unused building?

    IMHO, a more likely explanation if there were workers there at that hour is something went wrong facilities wise that had to be addressed quickly(burst pipe, breaker tripped, alarm going off, something like that.) Otherwise why pay for people to be there at night for routine stuff?

  16. I don't know the person who made the original report via email so I can't vouch for its authenticity, but I can vouch for the person making the second report of more lights on in the place.
