Sunday, February 19, 2012

Club Reports: Tier Nightclub, Suite B Lounge, The Beacham, Independent Bar

First visit to the new Tier Nightclub located in the spot where Icon operated for years.  Tier has been open for one week now and advertises that they're bringing South Beach clubbing to Orlando. Of course every new club makes that claim. Tier might actually being doing it!
Miami-based DJ Cole Sidner (USA) was on the boards during the earlier hours with another Miami-based DJ Cedric Gervais (F) coming on after midnight.
If you knew what Icon looked like then I'd have to say you would barely recognize the place.  It has had the industrial look smoothened, new bars added, VIP furniture all over the place and a pretty impressive sound and lighting system installed.
The music was all-House and Progressive House last night but it appears the club is going to try to try to walk that fine line between EDM acts and Hip Hop acts.  IMO, it's a precarious path to take as the tendency is for clubs trying that route to develop the reputation for neither genre and thus get overlooked by everyone. (See Destiny Night Club, see Zen Exotic Lounge, see Heat, and on and on....)
Things I really liked:  1) The expanded bar options; 2) The sound and lighting systems; 3) The two club levels with no restrictions on non-VIP going upstairs; and of course 4) the music format last night.
Things I did not like:  1) No defined dance floor. The center floor area in Icon was the dance floor. It is here too however both sides are lined with VIP seating areas so they spill-over into each other and makes the dancing area small; 2) When you're on the dance floor and close to the DJ booth, the high wall they installed makes it impossible to see anything but the top of the DJ's head. People want to see the DJ, especially if it's a bigger name;  3) A no-return policy.  Every club in town gives you a wristband so you can go outside and return later. Not Tier.  You leave, you don't come back unless you want to pay again. When I asked the guy at the exit door to speak to a manager about it, he said that I couldn't!  LOL. In a couple months when the newness wears off and they're begging for customers, maybe the attitude will change.
Quick visit over to Suite B Lounge for a drink and some chit-chat.
Orlando-based DJ Rob Rest was putting out the House.  This is a club you can always count on for various types of Electronic Dance Music.....and strong drinks!
There were a few dancers movin' about during my stay.
Dropped by The Beacham which has been renovated into more of a concert hall along with neighboring The Social.  But The Beacham is still running the same weekend nights that existed when the club was called Tabu. The marquee features events for NBA All-Star Game weekend. Anyone downtown next weekend may find their favorite clubs closed for NBA-related private parties but The Beacham will be open for their normal events.....
.....including Swirl Saturday Nights with DJ Richie Rich! (House of Blues)
The Beacham jamz on Saturday nights with a R&B/Hip Hop/Top 40/Classic Dance mix.
I was hoping to get to watch this entire room doing 'The Wobble' during my visit but unfortunately my timing was off!
Always nice scenery at the higher elevations!
Spotted:  Shelly Flash from 102JAMZ (WJHM-Daytona Beach/Orlando) posing with DJ Richie Rich. Richie will be spinning mostly House/Top 40/Dance tonight and next Sunday night at House of Blues in Downtown Disney West Side for their Service Industry Night!
Is it Independent Bar or Endent Bar?  The controversy continues!
Spotted: Megan posing with DJ Dem Rok!
Good crowd on hand for 80's New Wave/Old Wave night at I-Bar!
Always a favorite stop for me during my club-hopping! But not next Saturday night as I hope to see many of you at the 8TRAX Reunion at Retro Room!


  1. they shouldn't be messing with kingbob!

  2. that makes me laugh, it's no secret that you have pull with this blog, a LOT of people read it. They were not wise to refuse your request to speak to a manager!

  3. Another interesting thing is that the entry price was negotiable. I asked at the ropes how much it was to get in and the guy said $20. I told him to make it $10 and I'd come in. He said ok and signaled to the guy inside at the cash register as to what to charge me.
