Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PI Update: The Name Lives On

It's famous around the country and around the world. PI. Pleasure Island. But would Disney actually eliminate the Pleasure Island name when they finally decide what they were going to do with the Island?

When Disney announced last fall that Pleasure Island would become Hyperion Wharf, there was little doubt that a name change was coming. Management wanted those two hallowed words eliminated from the Disney lexicon! AMC Pleasure Island 24 became AMC Downtown Disney 24 to support what was to come. But when vendors failed to line-up behind what Disney had in mind, Hyperion Wharf quickly became the two words no longer spoken.

Right now the Pleasure Island name is very much alive. It's still in the Guidemap, it's on new signage place alongside various spots in Downtown Disney and it's still all over the place on signs throughout Disney property. The cost to change everything would cost millions of dollars ; speculation on changing the huge sign atop Mannequins was $5M alone! The Pleasure Island name is a huge asset that should be featured, not eliminated. Given the recent resurgence of the name, there seems to be a very good chance that it will live on! LONG LIVE PLEASURE ISLAND!


  1. We were down on the island two nights ago to meet family at the market place. For us, it's still so depressing to see all the empty clubs just collecting dust. There were so many people just walking around and I over heard atleast two dozen conversations about the"good times" or "what used to be here." We ended up having a drink outside Ranglan Road and just starring at empty Mannequins... Then we met up with the family that we went to meet in the first place (they are staying on property) and we all went to City Walk for a couple of drinks, which turned into hanging out there all night long! So, last night we received a phone call from them and we all met at City Walk again. Come on Disney... Damn Mouse!!

  2. The old, gated PI was the best!! I'm originally from New York and I've seen big city clubs. Nothing compared to Mannequins! I was a junkie for PI, going several nights a week. I used to stand inside the clubs and wonder how I was EVER going to be able to STOP going. Would I still be going there when I got old? Probably. Well, Disney took care of those questions for me and without my permission. :/
    Bah Humbug.

  3. Anonymous at December 22, 2011 10:26 AM!
    I feel the same!! at times I was out to Mannequins 6-7 days a week! there was times friends would ask me to go to other clubs outside PI and would not go!!
    but I would not be happy if they half-assed it!
