Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PI Update: The Tale of the Funmeister

Little is know of the whereabouts of the original wooden Funmeister that used to adorn its own totem pole on beautiful Pleasure Island.  It was originally discovered by Merriweather Adam Pleasure in 1911 as he steamed through the Florida Barge Canal System looking for the ideal place to create his new home. When he spotted it on the shores of what would later be named Village Lake, he knew this was the spot to build his Pleasure Island.  He is the one who named the totem Funmeister

The Funmeister was ultimately replaced with a metal and glass model and even this stood over the Island until late 2010 when it was finally removed more than two years after the fun had departed. The complete story of the Funmeister and the history of Pleasure Island can be found on Mouse Planet as retold by their writer Wade Simpson:  http://www.mouseplanet.com/8653/The_Pleasure_Island_New_Year_Story
Thanks to reader Ian for sharing this story with us!

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